Hello everyone! The weather here in southern Ontario suddenly got extremely chilly in the past week; and unfortunately I came down with a fever a couple of days ago, so I'm just siting at home trying to recover with countless cups of vanilla chamomile tea. Fortunately, the fever went away within a couple of hours, but as per usual, my body's recovery speed is as slow as a turtle. Earlier this year, I managed to come down with a fever that lasted a good two weeks, hopefully that never happens again. On the bright side, this chilly weather is perfect scarf-wearing weather, and I just love scarves... They keep me so cozy and the fluffy ones make great neck-pillows to sleep on during boring lectures!

For the month of October, I have decided to try my hand at the Weekly Nail Art Challenge again (#WNAC2015). The theme for this week is splatter art, a technique I've never tried before but have always wanted to. Well, long story short, the straw technique did not work at all for me, despite the countless blogs and YouTube tutorials I watched, so I decided to free-hand and draw the splatter on myself. Drawing the splatters on free-hand certainly minimize the mess that would've happened if I had used actually used splatter techniques.
Continue reading if you want to find out how I created these nails: